via Hola
Join a virtual waiting room & talk to the next available doctor.Average wait time: Less than 15 minutes
via Hola
Request a same-day medical certificate that will be reviewed within minutes.via Hola
Request a script-only consult and talk to the next available doctor. Suitable for a single prescription and only for a repeat of an existing medication.Average wait time: Less than 15 minutes
via 24-7MedCare
Book an appointment at a time that suits your preferences.From
Healthengine has partnered with the Telehealth providers featured above and receives fees from its partners.
Video, phone or form based consults available now. You can do more than you think with telehealth
Choose a service specific to your requirements, whether it be something like a single-day medical certificate, repeat prescription, or a mental health treatment plan. If you have multiple issues to discuss with a doctor or need a diagnosis, choose a consult relevant to how long you think you will need.
Enter your details to make your booking and securely pay online. You’ll receive a booking confirmation with instructions about what comes next. Depending on the service you have chosen, you may need to complete an online form which a doctor will review.
If you’ve requested a phone consult, a doctor will call you directly. For video consults, you will receive a link to join the consultation via SMS and email. From there, join the virtual waiting room to connect with your doctor. No downloads or software needed.
At the end of your consultation, if you were issued a medical certificate, mental health treatment plan, or referral these will be sent to your email. If you were prescribed medication, you can receive an electronic script (eScript) to your phone or email, or have it sent to a nearby pharmacy.
“I was very happy with the process and have mentioned it to friends already.”
Jim, WA
On Hola On-Demand GP consults
“I was very happy with the process and have mentioned it to friends already.”
Jim, WA
On Hola On-Demand GP consults
“Convenient & so easy.”
Ivan, WA
On Hola On-Demand GP consults
The information contained in this FAQ is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice. Last updated 7 February 2024
A convenient healthcare solution
Manage all your healthcare needs in one place, saving hassle, travel, and admin time.
Results delivered directly
If deemed appropriate, receive your test results, medical certificates, and prescriptions direct to your phone.
Easy access anywhere, anytime
Request and manage your appointments from anywhere in Australia, anytime you need, using the Healthengine app.
Trusted by millions of Australians
With over 85 million bookings since 2006, Healthengine is Australia's leading healthcare marketplace, seamlessly connecting millions of patients with 10,000+ trusted primary care practitioners.
We've partnered with: