- headspace Liverpool
- headspace Newcastle
- headspace Maitland
- headspace Lake Haven
- headspace Brookvale
- headspace Dubbo
- headspace Chatswood
- headspace Coffs Harbour
- headspace Griffith
- headspace Castle Hill
- headspace Campbelltown
- headspace Ashfield
- headspace Hurstville
- headspace Gosford
- headspace Noarlunga
- headspace Camperdown
- headspace Port Augusta
- headspace Bondi Junction
- headspace Woodville
- headspace Bathurst
- headspace Murray Bridge
- headspace Launceston
- headspace Bankstown
- headspace Rockingham
- headspace Devonport
- headspace Mount Gambier
- headspace Hobart
- headspace Canberra
- headspace Darwin
- headspace Berri
- headspace Armadale
- headspace Midland
- headspace Alice Springs
- headspace Albany
- headspace Edinburgh North
- headspace Kalgoorlie
- headspace Broome
- headspace Osborne Park
- headspace Bunbury
- headspace Geraldton
- headspace Joondalup
- headspace Adelaide
- Be You Psychology & Counselling
- Human Psychology
- Oak Tree Counselling
- Child and Youth Therapy Centre
- InnerLife Counselling & Psychology
- Mind Your Body
- Cavalari Counselling & Acupuncture
- Rhys Burridge Psychologist - Brisbane ACT Centre